The Texas Water Infrastructure Coordination Committee (TWICC) is a one-stop shop for information on funding eligibility or technical assistance for water systems facing infrastructure or compliance issues. TWICC is a collaborative effort by State and Federal government agencies and technical assistance providers promoting an efficient process for affordable, sustainable, and innovative funding strategies for water and wastewater infrastructure projects that protect public health.

What can TWICC do for you?

To request technical assistance or receive eligibility information regarding the financial and technical assistance programs administered by TWICC members, simply complete and submit a Funding Inquiry Form. A basic overview of each financial assistance program is available in our Funding Resources Guide. Water and wastewater system representatives may also participate in TWICC meetings in person or via conference call to discuss their specific infrastructure or compliance concerns.

Upon request, TWICC members also conduct local workshops to present information tailored to the needs of a specific region. Please contact us to request a TWICC workshop in your region.