Groundwater Management Area 3

Groundwater management area 3 location map

Contact Information

Middle Pecos Groundwater Conservation District
Ty Edwards
General Manager
P.O. Box 1644
Fort Stockton, Texas 79735
Telephone:(432) 336-0698
Fax: (432) 336-3407

Regional Water Planning Group Representatives:

Region F: Ty Edwards

Groundwater Conservation Districts (2 either partially or completely included)

  • Middle Pecos Groundwater Conservation District
  • Reeves County Groundwater Conservation District

Additional Groundwater Conservation District Information

Exempt Groundwater Use Estimates

Projected Exempt Groundwater Use Estimates for GMA 3

Aquifers(either partially or completely included)

Component Counties

GMA 3 Reports

ID Date Type Description
GR16-027_MAG 3/14/2018 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater for the aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 3
R-359 12/1/2003 TWDB numbered report The Groundwater Resources of the Dockum Aquifer in Texas
HA-03 1/1/1995 Hydrologic atlas Water Quality in the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) Aquifer, Edwards Plateau and Trans-Pecos, Texas
R-317 1/1/1990 TWDB numbered report Evaluation of Ground-Water Resources in Parts of Loving, Pecos, Reeves, Ward and Winkler Counties, Texas
GMA3_DFC_01 8/9/2010 DFC submission Desired future conditions for the Capitan Reef Complex, Dockum, Edwards-Trinity (Plateau), Pecos Valley, and Rustler aquifers
HA-09 1/1/1998 Hydrologic atlas Water Quality in the Rustler Aquifer
HA-08 1/1/1997 Hydrologic atlas Water Quality in the Capitan Reef Aquifer
R-022 5/11/1966 TWDB numbered report Water-Delivery and Low-Flow Studies, Pecos River, Texas - Quantity and Quality, 1964 and 1964
R-255 9/1/1980 TWDB numbered report Occurrence and Quality of Ground Water in the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) Aquifer in the Trans-Pecos Region of Texas
R-348 11/1/1999 TWDB numbered report Changes in Groundwater Conditions in Parts of Trans-Pecos, Texas, 1988 - 1998
R-356 12/1/2001 TWDB numbered report Aquifers of West Texas
B-5604 3/1/1956 Groundwater bulletin Ground-Water Resources of the Crane Sandhills, Crane County, Texas
R-360 2/9/2004 TWDB numbered report Conference Proceedings: Aquifers of the Edwards Plateau
R-180 3/1/1974 TWDB numbered report Reconnaissance of the Chemical Quality of Surface Waters of the Rio Grande Basin, Texas
GT10-033 1/3/2011 GAM task Average drawdown for the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) and Pecos Valley aquifers within management zones in Middle Pecos GCD
GT10-025 6/10/2010 GAM task Predictive simulations for the Dockum Aquifer
GR08-075_MP 1/23/2009 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Middle Pecos GCD
GR04-020 10/7/2004 GAM run Effects of a new well field in Middle Pecos GCD
AA10-36_MAG 11/3/2011 Aquifer assessment MAG Modeled available groundwater for the Capitan Reef Complex Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 3
AA10-37_MAG 11/3/2011 Aquifer assessment MAG Modeled available groundwater for the Rustler Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 3
GR10-042_MAG 11/18/2011 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater for the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) and Pecos Valley aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 3
GR10-039_MAG 11/18/2011 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater for the Dockum Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 3
CR-0904830820 4/1/2010 Contract report Application of PEST to Re-Calibrate the Groundwater Availability Model for the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) and Pecos Valley Aquifers
CR-0804830794 9/1/2009 Contract report Capitan Reef Complex Structure and Stratigraphy
GT13-027_TERS 9/19/2013 GAM task - Total Estimated Recoverable Storage Total Estimated Recoverable Storage for aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 3
GR14-010_MP 3/26/2014 GAM run - Management Plan Management Plan data for Middle Pecos GCD
GR18-001_MP 5/10/2018 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Reeves County GCD
GR19-021_MP 2/20/2020 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Middle Pecos GCD
GR21-009_MAG 1/11/2022 GAM run - MAG Modeled Available Groundwater for the aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 3
GR23-001_MP 5/10/2023 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Reeves County GCD